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Aimon: How to Play 101

Aimon is born as a NFT collectible card project but with the game design already assigned to the artworks.

Aimon creatures have their own abilities and elemental affinities so making them battle in an async card game was the automatic choice to bring them to life.

Card UI Breakdown

Each Aimon card is overlayed with a series of icons and most of the times a short text describing the Aimon’s ability.

Here’s a little visual breakdown to help you navigate the UI.

The elements are divided in MAIN ELEMENTS:

  • Earth
  • Fire
  • Water
  • Wind


  • Electric
  • Nature
  • Magic

An Aimon card will always have a Main Element and sometimes a Secondary Element. Those will come into play when determining any additional damage received from attacks (WEAKNESSES) or dealt when attacking (STRENGTHS) as shown in the bottom left part of an Aimon card.

Teams and Board

Your team is made of three Aimons. Pick the ones you minted, the ones you like the most or the ones that synergize better. Just have fun!

Once you choose your team, you have to decide in which AREA (Left, Center or Right area) you want to place your Aimons. The opponent will do the same.

Each Aimon can combat with enemy Aimons in any area.

Read forward on the Turn Structure chapter how areas can influence your strategy for the battles.

Turn Structure

The GAME is made of rounds. The game ends when:

  • There is only one Aimon alive OR
  • There are no Aimons alive (draw) OR
  • Alive Aimons cannot defeat each others (draw)

A ROUND is made of turns.

A round ends when all three turns have been played.

The Left area turn, the Center area turn and the Right area turn are played in sequence. On each TURN the Aimon on that area with the highest speed attacks first (draws are resolved with a coin toss). Then the opposing Aimon on the same area attacks, thus ending the turn for that area.

After the Right area turn is played, the round ends.

Area Attack Strategies

For each area the player will also be able to select a STRATEGY for the Aimon in that area to follow when it attacks.

These strategies will determine how your Aimon in each area attacks and, depending on your Aimons abilities, they can really change the course of the battle!

Some examples of the strategies you will be able to select:

  • Attack the Aimon with lowest/highest health
  • Attack the Aimon with lowest/highest attack
  • Attack the Aimon in Left/Center/Right area
  • Attack the Aimon of a certain element
  • ...

If the strategy cannot be performed (eg: no Aimons of that element to be attacked) the Aimon in the leftmost area will be attacked.

If there is a draw in selecting the Aimon to attack, the target will be decided with a coin toss.

What’s To Come

  • Game result logs
  • Bookmark teams and strategies
  • Experience points (EXP) for taking part and winning games
  • Evolution of Aimons by spending EXP
  • Montly / weekly leaderboards

We are excited for card game lovers to try and give us feedback on the game mechanics!